Dr. Till Soyka, LL.M. (Harvard)

Dr. Soyka studied Law in Hamburg (Bucerius Law School), Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Law School) and Harvard Law School (LL.M.). After completing the First and Second German State Exams and a doctorate degree (with a doctorate thesis on breach of trust to the detriment of corporations), Dr. Soyka practiced as attorney in the Hamburg office of Gleiss Lutz until becoming a partner at Langrock Voß & Soyka in 2012. From 2017-2022 Judge at the Hamburg Bar Court .

[email protected]

  • Criminal defence representation of various business directors and leading employees of several companies, inter alia in relation to allegations of corruption, fraudulent breach of trust and tax evasion offences
  • Filing and support of criminal complaints against former business directors and leading employees, inter alia in relation to allegations of tax evasion and accounting offences as well as fraudulent breaches of trust, particularly in cases of shareholder disputes
  • Representation of secondary parties in criminal proceedings against a forfeiture of assets order ensuing from the alleged possession of proceeds from criminal activities (including appeal proceedings before the Federal Court of Justice)
  • Support of different internal investigations and development of codes of conduct in suspected cases of e.g. international corruption, credit fraud and fraudulent breach of trust
  • Advising various listed stock corporations in developing a compliance system (with a focus on anti-corruption)
  • Compiling a criminal law due diligence report for a British buyer of a German company because of potential fines and forfeiture of assets orders against the target with regard to cases of corruption and tax evasion
  • Breach of Trust to the Detriment of Business Partnerships (Untreue zum Nachteil von Personengesellschaften), Duncker & Humblot 2008
  • Verbandssanktionengesetz mit Licht und Schatten, DRiZ 2020, 137
  • Anmerkung zu BGH v. 04.07.2019 − 4 StR 36/19 (Schadensberechnung beim Leasing-Betrug), NStZ 2020, 157-159
  • Tax Compliance, Prävention – Investigation – Remediation – Unternehmensverteidigung, wistra 2018, 373
  • The basics and practical problems of fraudulent breaches of trust to the detriment of partnerships (Grundzüge und praxisrelevante Probleme der Untreue zum Nachteil von Personengesellschaften), ZWH 2012, 348-354 (in cooperation with Dr. Marko Voß)
  • Discussion of Stuttgart Court of Appeals judgment of 29 September 2011, file no 2 Ws 33/11 (Fraud by doped professional bicyclist to the detriment of the team owner) (Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart v. 29.9.2011 - 2 Ws 33/11 (Betrug zum Nachteil des dienstberechtigten Rennstallbetreibers durch gedopten Radprofi)), ZWH 2012, 113-116 (in cooperation with Dr. Marko Voß)
  • The „lust for golden fountain-pens“: Misappropriation by members of the German parliament to the detriment of Germany? (Die „Goldfüller-Gier“: Untreue zu Lasten der Bundesrepublik durch Abgeordnete des Deutschen Bundestags?), JA 2011, 566-572
  • Post-engagement non-competition clauses in sale and purchase agreements to the detriment of a shareholder and business director (Nachvertragliche Wettbewerbsverbote im Unternehmenskaufvertrag zu lasten eines Gesellschafter-Geschäftsführers), in: Birk/Bruse/Saenger, Forum Unternehmenskauf 2010, (in cooperation with Dr. Sebastian Orthmann)
  • Review of Kristian Kühl’s book on general criminal law (Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil), ZJS 3/2010, 457
  • Quota share damages“ in the case of „Hoyzer“ – a violation of the principle of legal certainty? (Der „Quotenschaden“ im Fall „Hoyzer“ – ein Verstoß gegen das Bestimmtheitsgebot?), NStZ 2009, 12-14 (in cooperation with Professor Thomas Rönnau)
  • Illegal advertisements (Section 16 (1) German Law against unfair competition) in cases of pretend prize awards (Zur strafbaren Werbung (§ 16 Abs. 1 UWG) in Fällen der Zusendung von Gewinnmitteilungen), HRRS 2008, 418-429
  • Limitations on the elements of the crime of fraud by secondary European Community Law, in particular with regard to the directive 2005/29/EG on unfair competition (Einschränkungen des Betrugstatbestands durch sekundäres Gemeinschaftsrecht am Beispiel der Richtlinie 2005/29/EG über unlautere Geschäftspraktiken), wistra 2007, 127-133
  • Tax authorities disclosure requests for investigation of speculative gains in practice (Auskunftsersuchen der Steuerfahndung zur Ermittlung von Spekulationsgewinnen in der Praxis), DStR 2003, 1947-1948 (in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Marx)