Dr. Marc Langrock

Dr. Langrock completed police officer training in the state of Schleswig-Holstein before entering Law studies at the University of Hamburg. After completing both the First and Second German State Exams and his doctorate degree (with a thesis on the dogmatic theory of personal crimes), Dr. Langrock practiced as criminal defence attorney at different law firms until becoming a partner at Langrock Voß & Soyka in 2012.

[email protected]

  • Criminal defence representation of a former CEO of a listed stock corporation against allegations of fraud in relation to an international M&A transaction (including appeal to the Federal Court of Justice)
  • Criminal defence representation of a founder and former CEO of a listed stock corporation against allegations of fraud and fraudulent bankruptcy (including appeal to the Federal Court of Justice)
  • Criminal defence representation of a limited liability company shareholder against allegations of corporate tax evasion (including appeal to the Federal Court of Justice)
  • Criminal defence representation of a former CEO of a listed stock corporation against allegations of insider trading (including appeal to the Federal Court of Justice)
  • Criminal defence representation of a limited liability company shareholder and managing director against allegations of commercial bribery
  • Criminal defence representation of a limited liability company shareholder and business director against allegations of bribery in business
  • Criminal defence representation of a former CFO of an international company group against allegations of industrial espionage
  • Doctoral thesis on the dogmatic theory of personal crimes (Das eigenhändige Delikt), Nomos 2002
  • „Pecunia non olet“? – Government purchase of stolen data of German tax evaders („Pecunia non olet“? – Staatlicher Ankauf von entwendeten Daten deutscher) wistra 2010, 201-205 (together with Professor Erich Samson)
  • Control of white collar crime within companies and by companies (Bekämpfung von Wirtschaftskriminalität im und durch Unternehmen), Der Betrieb 2007, 1684-1689 (together with Professor Erich Samson)
  • Minor tax fraud by violation of documentation duties under Section 144 German General Tax Code (Abgabenordnung) (Steuergefährdung durch Verletzung der Aufzeichnungspflicht nach § 144 AO?), DStR 2007, 700-706 (together with Professor Erich Samson)
  • Aiding and abetting in tax evasion through „black market sales“ (Beihilfe zur Steuerhinterziehung durch „Schwarzverkäufe“?), wistra 2007, 161-166 (together with Professor Erich Samson)
  • Pecuniary loss under Section 263 German Criminal Code – an abhored element of the crime? (Der Vermögensschaden des § 263 StGB – Ein verschmähtes Tatbestandsmerkmal?), wistra 2005, 46-50
  • Limits of appellate court jurisdiction in criminal cases under Section 354 (1a) German Code of Criminal Procedure (Über die Grenzen der Strafzumessungskompetenz der Revisionsgerichte in Strafsachen nach § 354 Abs. 1a StPO), StraFo 2005, 226-228
    § 354 Abs. 1a StPO, StraFo 2005, 226-228
  • The „vitreous“ bank customer? – Automatic transfer of bank account data and the right to privacy (Der „gläserne“ Bankkunde? – Automatisierter Abruf von Kontoinformationen und Grundrecht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung), Heymanns 2005 (together with Professor Erich Samson)
  • The „large degree of damages“ in the crime of severe tax evasion (Das „große Ausmaß“ der schweren Steuerhinterziehung), wistra 2004, 241-246